MgPure Viral RNA, pre-plated for AllSheng AutoPure 32


The Autopure 32 MgPureTM Viral RNA purification kit provides an easy and reliable method for isolating total viral RNA from plasma, serum, nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal aspirates or washes, nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swabs, broncheoalveolar lavage, tracheal aspirates, and sputum. This procedure has been tested for isolating nucleic acids from COVID-19, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis C and HIV. The isolated RNA can be used for PCR, qRT-PCR and other downstream applications. This protocol is validated on Allsheng auto pure 96 and KingFisher plex and can be adapted to major automation platforms such as Biomek FX, Biomek 3000, Hamilton Microlab STAR, Hamilton MagEx STARle and many others.


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